Monday, February 21, 2011

I like list

So I want to blog but I was not sure what to write about. So I have decided to just create a random list of facts about myself. I know how much people want to read about me. J (That was a joke)

1. I love to write but have the hardest time keeping up with a blog.

2. I think I do not keep up with my blog because at times it feels like I am talking to myself.

3. I love painting and drawing even though I am not very good at it either. And no I am not just fishing for compliments you can even ask my mommy.

4. I love taking pictures of anything and everything; it helps me remember good times.

5. I wish I were musically talented that way I would feel more justified in my obsession with music.

6. I find music to be a great driving force in my life. I cannot count the amount of times a song has caused me to act on something or to hold back.

7. I hope one day to have books of mine published but I am terrified of my thoughts not making sense to anyone else.

8. I have always wanted to be part of a band; yes, even though I do not sing or play an instrument.

9. I love celebrating life and it makes me sad that many people do not. I look for reasons everyday to make that day special.

10. I have never understood why grass has to be green or why leaves cannot be left alone on the ground.

11. I love to read. However, I often find myself getting stuck on one book and reading it over and over again.

12. At night I convince myself that sleep is a waste of time and I regret this in the morning.

13. Must people get songs stuck in their heads but I get little phrases stuck in my head with songs.

14. I laugh and cry a lot but cannot seem to make myself laugh or cry at a movie.

15. I hate drama in real life and I feel like I do a good job avoiding it but I love watching television shows full of it.

16. I find it enjoyable to learn and absorb information.

17. When people read my writings I feel the most vulnerable and at the same time I feel guarded. When you are reading my words you do not see into my eyes the same way you do when I speak to you.

18. I love Alfred Hitchcock movies.

19. Shoes are an obsession of mine.

20I call text messages little gifts. They make me happy.

21. Imagine how much I love a letter in the mail if a text makes me that happy.

22. People think I wear dresses because I love dressing up but really I just find them super comfortable and you do not have to match them like you do pants and a shirt.

23. Meeting new people thrills me. Long conversations with people I just met makes me feel alive.

24. I tend to be so passionate about things that at times I cannot see past my own stupidity.

25. Mix cds put a smile on my face.

26. Windows rolled down, music wide open – best kind of nights.

27. I really do enjoy giving people gifts but in a selfish way. It makes me feel good.

I guess those are enough facts about myself for now. I am pretty impressed if you are still reading. Thanks for wanting to get to know me.

First one to laugh, last one to cry

If only you knew how heavy this smile can be

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Words Words Words. Life to my weary bones. –Darren Hudman